TEDxLondon Salon
Feeding the city
Food nourishes our hearts and minds – it creates industry, inspires creativity and brings people together. Increasingly people are found in cities. By 2050, more than 6 out of every 10 people on the planet will be living in cities. In the UK 82% of the population already lives in urban areas. What, how and when do city-dwellers eat? How will science and technology transform food production in the future? How will cities sustain themselves? How do we ensure we’re eating the ‘right’ things? How can societies respond to the challenge of food poverty and inequality? How do culture and identity influence the food we buy, cook and consume? And what happens to the waste that food creates? These questions affect all our lives.
This TEDxSalon will make you think differently about what you eat. It will encompass cutting-edge urban agriculture, London’s unique food culture and identity, inspiring initiatives to ensure we all eat better and surprising insight into the hidden infrastructure of the food industry.
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.