Talents are everywhere! Some are already well known, while some have not been discovered yet. How many of our creative talents are given the opportunity for professional development and advancement in this country?
While creative industries in England achieve an annual growth of 8.9%, thus adding almost 87 billion pounds to their economy, in Macedonia numerous branches of the creative industry stagnate, and some seem to be slowly dying out.
Is the potential of creative industries recognized in Macedonia as a way to create new job positions and strengthen the economy as a result of knowledge, or is this sector just a closed circle of ideas? What is the essence of design and innovation and how can it be used to further develop culture and economy; solve social issues and provide more opportunities for these professionals? Do technology, open software and hardware and open design systems lead to the new, third wave of the industrial revolution?
Since, these questions are rarely discussed, the first event of the new TEDxSeptemvriskaSesijaSalon series of events in Macedonia, will be dedicated and deal with the topic Creative Industries – Range of opportunities or closed circle of ideas?
The event will attempt to provide answers to some of these questions, discuss and challenge the existing opinions regarding the ways of encouraging creativity, upholding talent and creating creative pieces with economic, cultural and social value. By sharing information, ideas and opinions, we will attempt to answer questions about our role when it comes to stimulating talent growth and whether and how collaboration among different disciplines and sectors (art, design, technology, education, health etc.) can offer opportunities for growth and development of the creative industries.
quay Dimitar Vlahov 15
Skopje, Centar, 1000
- Event type:
- Salon (What is this?)