Living in this dynamic world, we don't drift with the waves either go with the flow. We try to find out the beginning of everything then make ourselves be the most original status to explore the world. Everyone has its own starting point. We may be confused among the process of our chasing way and we will fade away at different place in the end. But before everything has gone, no one can absolutely know where does the river go or where it stop. We can image that it is an infinite cycle and whatever where we are, we will always follow the river, and never stop.
PART I 我們活在什麼樣的世界裡?
PART I-Where are we?
Thales-Everything has a beginning, the origin of the cosmos is “arche”. It can become anything , and everything in this world is made by it. Water is the only “arche”, water is the origin of everything. We would follow it to know this world.
PART II世界的規則是什麼?
PART II-What is it?
Pythagoras-Numbers are understandable, mathematics can explain everything in the world. It is perfect, eternal but perceived things are flawed. It is possible to form "infinity" only through the concept of “restriction".
PART III回歸自身,尋找自我的定位。
PART III-Who am I?
Heraclitus-The original unity is a status which is constantly moving and changing then never stop. In the status, creation is destruction, and also destruction is creation. Cosmos include opposition and unity as well as destruction and establishment. has the unity of unity, stagnation or destruction. When the opposition and contradictions together then the world becomes harmony.
YouTube playlist URL:https://goo.gl/VhU3sz
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new taipei city, Taipei, 24205
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- University (What is this?)