x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Good Morning Tehran!

This event occurred on
December 20, 2016
Tehran, Tehrān

Our lives in Tehran and worldwide is in constant motion. Time is always in transition. This was a reflection of TEDxTehran theme the past three years. We began with our city, Tehran En Route, heading towards an inflection point, The Verge of a Breakthrough that gave way to A New Paradigm. So what comes right after this journey to a New Paradigm?

There is a defining arc in time where the past, present and future are all unified, connecting the known and unknown. In this arc, we hold the wisdom of the past, the clarity of the present, and the possibilities of the future. That arc in time is the morning, the start of each and every day.

That is where we are now with TEDxTehran. We are at that arc and what comes next is Good Morning Tehran, three endearing and powerful words to embody the theme of TEDxTehran in 2016.

The morning can be an occasion to reconnect with our internal world, to reflect, reevaluate and to change the course of not only of a singular day, but perhaps our entire life. For many of us “Good morning” are the first two words that begin our human interactions, setting the tone on how we engage the outside world. Above all, the morning is the call to action of our life purpose, our personal missions and goals.

The past three years, we helped spread a lot of ideas about Iran. We reflected on our past, celebrating our history, our food, our nature. We also looked into our future, exploring all the possibilities of technology, innovation and economic prosperity. These themes were a projection of what beckoned Iran. This year we focus on the present, the now of Tehran, the epicenter of Iran. And so we begin, Good Morning Tehran!


در تهران و در سراسر جهان، زندگی‌ همگان در حال حرکت است. آنچه در حال تغییر و تحول می‌نماید، زمان است. این عبارات برداشتی است که می‌توان از زمینه‌های موضوعی تداکس‌تهران در سه سال گذشته داشت. از شهرمان شروع کردیم: «تهران در مسیر»، سپس به سوی نقطه‌ی عطفی پیش رفتیم که «بر لبه‌ی شکوفایی» نام داشت و راه را برای نیل به «پارادایم نو» باز می‌کرد. حال در ادامه‌ی این مسیر و بعد از پارادایمی نو باید انتظار چه چیزی را داشته باشیم؟

در مفهوم زمان گویی طاقی نهفته است که زیر آن، گذشته، حال و آینده همه‌گی به هم پیوند می‌خورند. طاقی که پیدا و پنهان را به هم متصل می‌کند. زیر طاق‌مان، خرد گذشته، وضوح حال و احتمالات آینده را نگه می‌داریم. این طاق در زمان، همانا سحرگاه است: آغاز هر روز.

ما هم اکنون در تداکس‌تهران همینجاییم. ما زیر آن طاقیم و آنچه پس از این رخ خواهد داد «صبح بخیر تهران» است. سه کلمه قدرتمند برای ساخت زمینه‌موضوعی تداکس‌تهران در سال ۲۰۱۶.

سحرگاه می‌تواند همان اتفاقی باشد که دنیای درون ما را به یکدیگر متصل کند تا نه تنها یک روز، بلکه عمرمان را دریابیم، بازنگری کنیم. برای بسیاری از «صبح‌بخیر»، آن دو کلمه‌ای است آغازبخش تعاملات انسانی‌مان است. همان کلماتی که ما را با جهان بیرون از خود آشنا می‌کند. از همه مهمتر، صبح ندای عمل است برای دستیابی به اهداف‌مان.

در سه سال گذشته، به نشر بسیاری از ایده‌ها در مورد ایران کمک کردیم. به گذشته نگاه کردیم، تاریخ‌مان، خوردنی‌ها‌مان، و طبیعتمان را عزیز شماردیم. به آینده چشم دوختیم و تمام احتمالات آتیه‌ی فناوری، اقتصادی و نوآوری را واکاوی کردیم. همه‌ی این موضوعات، برگرفته ازآنچه که ایران را تعریف می‌کرد، بود. امسال بر لحظه تمرکز می‌کنیم، تهران، قلب ایران، همین حالا. شروع شد: صبح‌بخیر تهران!

Vahdat Hall | تالار وحدت
Vahdat Hall, Shahriar
خيابان حافظ، بعد از چهار راه كالج، خيابان محمد حسين شهريار. تالار وحدت
Tehran, Tehrān
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Christophe Rezai

Christophe Rezai, born in France in 1966, is a French-Iranian composer and musician who has been living and working in Tehran, Iran since 1994. Prior to being a musician, he had studied Hydraulic engineering in Toulouse and Marketing in HEC Paris. Focusing on mixing the Iranian and western music as a musician and composer, he has exploited various styles of music including Medieval, Baroque, Classic, Modern, Pop, Jazz, and Electronic. He has composed music for more than 50 short and long movies, documentaries, theater performances, TV comercials and audiobooks. Christophe has worked with movie and theater directors such as Dariush Mehrjui, Mani Haghighi, Justine Shapiro or Ali Rafii. He has been granted 6 International and Iranian prizes for the best movie soundtracks. As a musician and singer, he founded several musical ensembles such as Nour Ensemble in 2000 with French and Iranian singers and instrumentalists (www.nourensemble.com).

Gelareh Kiazand

Born in Tehran in 1981, Gelareh graduated from Sheridan college, Toronto in 2003 with honor in Media Arts and her focus on cinematography. Her films as a student toured festivals such as Toronto, NYC Independance, Fajr, and Montreal. During her academic education, she also won a cinematography award for her short documentary at Aspirations Film festival, Canada. This, later, brought her to work in Iran as a film photographer and director of photography (DP) for both fiction and non-fiction films until 2009, earning her two nominations for the best photographer at Fajr film festival, and secondly, for the best cinematographer at Basij film festival. She has held four photography exhibitions and owned the best behind-the-scene documentary at Tehran film festival as well. She has also made some documentaries so far and since 2016, she has commenced her work as one of the women pioneers after the Islamic revolution of Iran in the field of cinematography in film industry.

Kosar Movahedi

Artist & Entrepreneur
Kosar was born in 1995 in Vancouver, Canada. She lived there until she was 6 and moved back to Tehran, there after. She went to school in Tehran and is currently studying architecture at The University of Tehran. Being very passionate and enthusiastic about all things that involve art and design, in the fall of 2014 she co-founded a start up company called Sedagraphy with Alireza Eskandari. With his expertise in software engineering and her passion for design they launched their idea of turning precious sounds into visual forms in spring 2015. Sedagraphy has been mentioned in many different publications such as techtalk.ir, DIGIATO.com and Jamejamonline.ir.

Lena Vafaey

Architect & Social Media Entrepreneur
Born in Tehran in 1988, Lena Lived in London for 3 years between the ages of 5 and 8; thereafter, she moved back to Tehran and stayed there until the age of 18. She was a hardworking student at school but never dedicated 100% of her time to her studies, a reason which might have prevented her from getting admission to a good university in Tehran, however, it enabled her to persue various interests.Lena moved to Vancouver, Canada at the age of 18 in 2007 and attended the University of British Columbia to get her bachelor’s degree in Geotechnical Engineering. Her first interest in exploring cities was developed during her time away as an exchange student. In 2012, she graduated from the University of British Colombia and moved to New York City to commence an architecture program at Columbia University. She then moved back to Tehran and worked at Dayere Design studio for a year. She started working on «Peeyade» project in 2015.

Lili Golestan

Artist & Cultural Activist
Born in 1944, Lili Golestan left for Paris after her secondary school and studied dress and textile designing at the Decorative Art institute in Paris. During that period, she attended some classes of world art history and French literature at Sorbonne university, and during her stay, she also participated in pottery making classes. After four years of living and studying in Paris, she returned to Iran and took up a job as a textile designer at Moghaddam textile factory. Later, she joined Iran’s national television as a dress designer and then, she became the head of children’s TV program. She quit her job after 7 years and afterwards, published her first translation of the novel “Life, War and then nothing” by Oriana Fallaci in 1967. The book encouraged her to translate more novels. She has since published more than twenty books. Between 1981 and 1987, Lili Golestan opened a bookstore called Ketab-e-Iran.

Mohammad Majidi

Born in 1967 and raised in Tehran, Iran, Mohammad graduated with a Master degree of Architecture in 2002 at the University of Shahid Beheshti in Tehran, Iran. Mohammad founded Bonsar Architects in 1996. Multidisciplinary designer and chief architect of many projects, he always has an eye for criticizing “Process in Design” and participated in many conferences about it. He was the jury member of “The Grand Me’mar Award” in 2013. Over the years after establishing Bonsar, more than 120 various projects have been designed and built which led to several national and international awards. Bonsar won the first place of “The Grand Me’mar Award” for two times, in 2005 for “Furniture Showroom and Warehouse” and in 2014 for the “Chizari Residential Complex” which has been published in different national books and magazines. The awarded project, “Furniture Showroom and Warehouse” has also been published in “The PHAIDON Atlas of 21st Century of World Architecture“.

Ramtin Monazahian

Tech Entrepreneur
Originally from Shiraz, Ramtin completed his Master degree in Finance at the University of Cologne- Germany, where he also studied PhD in Finance. Ramtin is known as an implementer of Online Marketplace Model in emerging markets. He is the Founder & CEO of bamilo, Iran's Largest Online Marketplace. He also co-founded Iran Internet Group consisting of Snapp, Zoodfood, Mozando and Pintapin. Prior, Ramtin spent over +4 years in the UK & Germany working for some of the world's leading Tier1 Investment Banks.

Sanaz Minaie

Chef & Author
Sanaz Minaie, entrepreneur and founder of Sanza- Sania Cultural and Artistic Complex, was born in Arak in 1962. She has commenced her work in Tehran since 1981. Ms. Minaie holds a PHD in business management from The Liberty university in the United States. She is one of the first cooking show producers on national TV, the developer of 14 new standards regarding cooking, pastry, and guest reception for vocational education called ‘Sarashpaz Tallaii’. In 1982 she founded the first modern cooking institute in Iran. In 2012, she registered the technology invention of producing, controlling, and standardizing of the Golden Chef. She has, thus far, written and published 27 cooking books, the first monthly technical cooking and reception magazine, and a cooking encyclopedia. She has also been awarded many prizes and certificates of honor from Iranian and foreign festivals and organizations.

Organizing team


Tehran, Iran


Tehran, Iran
  • Ali Taheri
    Team member
  • Alireza Mokhtari
    Team member
  • Alvand Ferdowsi
    Team member
  • Amir Issapour
    Team member
  • Baharan Molaie
    Team member
  • Daryoosh Dehestani
    Team member
  • Faraz Khalaj
    Team member
  • Farokh Shahabi
  • Golbahar Shakerin
    Team member
  • Hafez Jokar
    Team member
  • Hasan Noori
    Team member
  • Iman RezaZadeh
  • Meisam Koohsari
    Team member
  • Mohammad Khahani
    Team member
  • Mohammad-Hossein Farshad
    Team member
  • MohammadHossein Rahmani
    Team member
  • Nasim Keshavarz
    Team member
  • Nassim Khakpour
  • Njdeh Tahmasian Savarani
    Team member
  • Noosh Baratpour
    Team member
  • Nooshafarin Movaffagh
    Team member
  • Roozbeh Fakhr
    Team member
  • Saeed Molaee
    Team member
  • Sasan Rahnema
  • Sepideh Kianfar
    Team member
  • shadi Hosseini
    Team member
  • Soheila Zanganeh
    Team member
  • Soroush Sabouri
    Team member
  • Yasaman Matin
    Team member
  • Yashar Ghalandaran
    Team member
  • Yasmin Jebelli
    Team member
    Team member