x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Inimene 2.0// Person 2.0

This event occurred on
November 5, 2016
Tartu, Tartumaa

Seekordse konverentsi teemaks on Inimene 2.0. Tähelepanuväärsed esinejad erinevatelt elualadelt räägivad, milline võib olla inimene tulevikus ja kus võiks asuda tema võimete piirid. Kohale tasub tulla kõigil, kes tahavad saada paremaks inimeseks - ja isegi kui paremaks ei õnnestu saada, siis targemaks ikka!

TEDx on kohalik iseseisvalt korraldatud üritus, mis võimaldab jagada TED-konverentside vaimu üle maailma. Kuulda saab nii kohalikke esinejaid kui ka paremaid TED-i kõnesid video vahendusel.


This year our conference will focus on how to upgrade to humanbeing 2.0. What are our challenges and choices in different fields (transportation, human brain, environment, IT, cities, urban planning, politics, food, science, energy etc).

TEDxTartu is a full-day event being curated by TEDxTartu working group consisting entirely of volunteers. Our goal is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are idea-focused, and on a wide range of subjects, to foster learning, inspiration and wonder – and provoke conversations on that matter. So I encourage you to think what is the idea which is worth sharing from your field, from you experinece etc.

AHHAA center
Sadama 1
Tartu, Tartumaa, 51004
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Tartu events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Der-Liang Yung

Researcher, PhD Mechanical Engineering
riiki ning jätkab ümber maailma reisimist tänaseni. Teda iseloomustab sarkasm ja läbivalt must garderoob, mida näeb ta seljas ka tähtpäevadel ning suvel. Hetkel omandab Yung doktorikraadi Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis. A rambunctious Chinese Canadian, who has lived on 5 different continents and continues to travel the world with a sarcastic streak (which some find amusing and annoying); who wears black monochrome all the time even during holidays and summers. He is completing his PhD in Materials Engineering at Tallinn University of Technology. https://www.linkedin.com/in/derliangyung

Drukmo Gyal Dakini

Drukmo Gyal is from Northeastern part of Tibet, she is from a Tibetan Yogi family where mantra, yoga and meditation are introduced from family lineage, plus the support from Tibetan yogi community. Drukmo Gyal came to Europe in 2014 and worked for the International Academy for Traditional Tibetan Medicine(TTM), which is founded by Dr.Nida Chenagtsang more than 10 years ago, there is a sub-academy for TTM in Estonia. She is a Tibetan mantra singer, she published two Mantra albums in recent 2 years and started touring the world, during her stay in Estonia she not only performed in concert halls, but also offered free concerts in hospitals, handicapped houses, old people’s house with great Estonian musicians like Taavi Peterson, Joosep Kõrvits and Leho rubis. She is a spiritual guide according to Yuthok Nyingthig tradition (Essential Heart Teaching of Yuthok - father of TTM), many people who felt connection with this teaching were able to study and practice on it, she says Yuthok Nyingthi

Evelin Rootsi

impro theatre actor
Evelin Rootsi on tegelenud improteatriga 5 aastat, väitlusega 8, spordiga terve elu, õppinud Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasiumis ja lõpetanud psüholoogia ja sotsioloogia Tartu Ülikoolis. Hetkel töötab ta Swedbankis. Kõik need alad, kohad on Evelinile õpetanud järjepidevust ning kuidas sotsiaalseid suhteid üles ehitada ning hoida. Väitlus on õpetanud argumenteerima, kool on andnud laiapõhjalised teadmised, sport on kasvatanud meelekindlust ning töökoht hakkamasaamist. Siiani kõige muutvam on Evelini jaoks siiski olnud improteater- seal mõistis ta kuulamise olulisusest, jaa ütlemise tähtsusest ning õppis oma ideedest lahti laskma, et saavutada midagi suuremat.

Grete Arro

Educational Psychologist
Mõtlemisvõime ja selle areng on Grete jaoks kõige kütkestavamad teemad. Psühholoogia doktorikraad taskus, lööb ta aktiivselt kaasa mitmetes haridusuuringutes ning nuputab välja viise õppeprotsessi õpilastele meeldivamaks muutmiseks. Lisaks töötab ta Tallinna Ülikoolis ja leiab selle kõige kõrvalt aega ka kirjutamiseks. ....................... Human mind and its development are the areas that attract Grete the most. She has PhD in psychology and is involved in various educational researches. In addition, she works at the University of Tallinn and also finds time to write for the general public.

Harri Ketamo

Founder & Chairman of the Board at HeadAI
Harri Ketamo, Ph.D., is an independent researcher and start-up entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in Learning Sciences, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence. He is a Senior Fellow at University of Turku and Adjunct Professor at Tampere University of Technology. Prior to founding HeadAI (artificial labour), he has founded e.g. SkillPixels ltd. (games based learning) and gameMiner ltd (game AI & data mining). Ketamo has published more than 80 international peer-reviewed research articles, had ~200 presentations on his studies in international forums and received several awards and nominations related his R&D activities.

Jim Self

Co-Founder of thePOOSH, Innovator and Social-Entrepreneur
Jim Self is a co-Founder of the international sustainable build and volunteering network thePOOSH.org. For the last two and a half years, Jim has been living in a low impact off-grid home, located in the Estonian forest. He follows low cost, low skill, low environmental impact principals in his life and is soon to launch a social enterprise hostel named 'Project Kodu'.

Kadri Voorand

Jazz singer and composer
Kadri Voorand is a young jazz singer and composer, who’s original music and expression has brought her a number of prizes and performances in Estonia as well as abroad. 2015 she was given the Award of the Best Jazz Musician of the Year by Danske Bank at this years Jazzkaar festival. This year she also won the Best Jazz Album of the Year in Estonia. In 2014 she was given a prominent Estonian Music Council Award. She has also been awarded with The Young Jazz Talent Award of the Year 2008. Year 2012 she was the soloist with the EBU European Jazz Orchestra touring Europe. During last couple of years she appeared with her original music in many festivals and clubs for example in Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Norway and more. She has recorded several albums both with some of the best jazz musicians in Estonia and abroad, for example Anthony Branker’s modern jazz album “Dance Music” in USA. Besides collaboration with many other musicians, she also lead

Kati Orav

Graphic visualisation trainer
Kati has been interested in teaching and leading since childhood, so, no surprise, that currently she is working as a trainer and process manager. She believes that creating right conditions, asking right questions and using supportive tools can help people to discover creativity and potential to make a change. One of her great missions in life is to promote graphic visualisation as an approach to simplification of strategic thinking and project management, and also to help people to find the courage to doodle.

Kristi Klaasmägi

CEO of Noored Kooli program
Kristi on alates 2003. aastast erinevates rollides teiste inimeste arengule kaasa aidanud. Kõigepealt korraldades Ameerikas Hubert H. Humphrey stipendiumiprogrammi ja viimastel aastatel juhtides Eestis Noored Kooli programmi, mis loob arenguvõimalusi nii Eesti õpilastele kui programmis osalejatele. Õpingute poolt hindab Kristi nii Tallinna Ülikooli haldusjuhtimise eriala magistrikraadi, õppimist Humphrey stipendiaatide rahvusvaheliselt seltskonnalt kui sügavat õppimiskultuuri Noored Koolis.

Kristian Kise Haugland

Born: October 4th, 1979 Master of Philosophy: 2007, University of Bergen Current roles and positions Assistant Secretary General: Norwegian Association of Mental Health for Youth Board member: Norwegian Association of Mental Health Editorial member: Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid (journal) Kristian was diagnosed with attention deficiency disorder in 1995, and has had problems navigating the medical bureaucracy to get his prescriptions ever since. http://www.mentalhelseungdom.no/om-oss/ansatte

Paul Liias

Expert in Space Technologies at Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia
Pauli võib kirjeldada kui tõelist tähtede poole pürgijat. Huvi kosmose vastu tärkas tal, lüües kaasa tudengisatelliidis ESTCube-1. Ta on olnud Eesti kosmoseettevõtete Radius Space ja Cubehub rajaja. Praegu tegutseb ta Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi kosmosetehnoloogia eksperdina. ................................ Paul Liias can be described as a person, who truly reaches for the stars. His interest in space was awakened during his involvement with the Student Satellite Project ESTCube-1. Additionally he was the founder of several companies, such as Radius Space and Cubehub. Currently he is working Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia as an expert in Space Technologies. http://www.eas.ee/kosmos/et/kosmosebueroo/uudised/artikkel/606-kosmosetoeoestuse-arengutest-ja-newspace

Peeter Rebane

Peeter’s directing portfolio includes feature films Firebird (2018), Sailing to Freedom (in development), documentaries Tashi Delek (2015) and Robbie Williams: Fans Journey to Tallinn (BBC Worldwide, 2014) plus numerous music videos including Moby’s “Wait for Me” and Pet Shop Boys’ “Together”. Peeter produced and directed the concert film Robbie Williams: Live in Tallinn. He has also produced the 2010 European Film Awards, the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest, and hundreds of shows in the Baltic region for artists including Madonna, Sting, Elton John, Lady Gaga, Metallica, Queen, etc. Peeter studied at Oxford and graduated from Harvard cum laude in economics, psychology and visual arts. He studied directing further at USC School of Cinematic Arts and trained at Judith Weston’s studio. Peeter and his brother Priit have started more than twenty companies together. In 2013, Peeter and Priit were named Entrepreneur of the Year in Estonia. Peeter has traveled the world, sailing around Cape

Triin Laisk-Podar

Triin on viimased 10 aastat tegelenud naiste viljakuse ja viljatuse geneetika uurimisega, ning seetõttu tunneb end inimese reproduktsiooniga seotud teemadel mugavamalt kui viisakas seltskonnas kombeks. Konverentsil räägib Triin sellest, mis on naiste viljakuse looduslikud piirid, ja lisaks naiste viljatusriski hindamise näitel sellest, kuidas infot meie geneetika kohta saab kasutada haigusriskide ennustamiseks.

Organizing team


Tartu, Estonia
  • Siiri Mugra