Colour of Voices
成立于2014 年,由主音Asnal、男高音 Ikhwan、男中音Joe、貝斯 Jaswan 和口技 TuxBoNic 吴俊利组成。因喜爱音乐,并享受不分你我,让“音色”超越肤色的合唱,体现
彼此尊重、包容所带来的和谐与默契。Colour of Voices (C.O.V) 除了在各个大小型的场合表演,互联网上还流传着他们精彩的作品,上千万的浏览量加上报章媒体、电台与电视台的报道,都是激励着他们继续走下去的力量,用无伴奏的合唱艺术,为大众带来更多感动!
Malaysia Crossed Racial A Cappella Group
Monica Mong 蒙如蕊
曾与多名世界时尚设计师丶名人和模特儿合作,蒙如蕊也是国际时尚活动的常客。毕业自马来西亚理科大学,主修新闻系,後于伦敦着名的圣马丁学院进修时尚造型和时尚摄影。初出茅庐之际,曾在《都会佳人 Cittá Bella》杂志以自由业者实习两年,后来在 V Magazine Malaysia 当上时尚作家和时尚造型师。在《女友NUYOU》杂志的八年半, 她更是以时尚总监的机会,磨练自己的时尚品味。
Chief Editor of L'OFFICIEL.
Once collaborated with various world’s top fashion designers, celebrities and models, Monica Mong is regular guest to international fashion events. Graduated in Bachelor of Communication program with a major in journalism from University of Science, Malaysia, then pursued Fashion Styling and Fashion Photography in renown Central Saint Martins in London, Monica Mong first cut her teeth as an intern and freelancer for two years at Cittá Bella Magazine, before moving to V MAGAZINE Malaysia to be a fashion writer and a fashion stylist. In NUYOU Malaysia for eight and half years, she has honed her eye for fashion sense with the opportunity as the Fashion Director.
劉忠萬 Chris Lau
一直相信炙热梦想可让冲突纷扰的世界变得更好,刘忠万自19岁第一趟背包旅行后,长期投入战乱丶人权和社会议题报导。伴随时间与心灵成长,和时下年轻人一样,游走梦想与现实中, 接受矛盾和观念冲击的洗礼。冲动和倔强个性,让他即使碰壁也仍坚信自己所选,并从经历中学习诚实面对自己和世界。这些都是来自阿富汗老人的一番话,为他打开行走人生的另一扇门…
Free-lance journalist.
He believes dreams can make this contradicting world a better place, after his first backpacking in the age of 19, Chris ventured into long term news reporting on war zone, human rights and social issues. Like most adolescents nowadays grows mature as time goes by, he faces the dilemma and conflicts of perception between his dream and reality. Against with the mainstream with his stubbornness and impulsive personality, yet he is persistence on his choice regardless the obstacles. Thus, he encounters the world truthfully from the experience he gained. While his travel to Syria and Afghanistan to cover on the conflicts news reporting three times respectively, he then started a new stage of life after a conversation with an Afghan old man he met en-route.
吳少剛 Ng Seow Kong
19岁开始赤脚跑步的吴少刚,在2013 年3月成为大马首位完成100个马拉松的跑者。他也是首位完成100英里=160km ;并在印、澳、日、美、韩、英等地完成200km以上赛事的跑者。2008 年,他成为首位完成全球大满贯马拉松赛事 七大洲+北极 的亚洲跑者。除了身为唯一在南、北极跑过马拉松的大马人,他也一共在33个国家66座城市完成71项全马和60项超马赛事。多年来在多种复杂地形、极限天气及高海拔的赛事经验,成就了吴少刚和大马在超马跑界的知名度。
廖以淳 Leow Wee Jonn
Photobook Worldwide 執行長
曾是大马 Zalora 联合创办人及董事总经理的廖以淳,任内掌管市场营销、资讯工艺和客户服务。在他领导下,Zalora 的品牌知名度、网站流量和收入增长都在区域内保持领先。2008至2012年,他曾担任贝恩策略顾问,累积丰富经验,包括公司审查评鉴、整倂收购、营运周转、利润提升和公司成长策略等。拥有伦敦经济学院经济学学士的他,现有的业务目标,就是从地域扩展到管道扩张,让 Photobook Worldwide 成为全球性相片产品公司。
張吉安 Chong Keat Aun
大传与电影系毕业,张吉安为【乡音考古】计划发起人、具有社区保育工作、茨厂街社区艺术计划发起人、行动艺术、专栏作者、Ai FM广播人等多重身份。自2005年起投入乡音考古,不惜自掏腰包,行走大马老社区,采集失传的籍贯乡音、歌谣、文献、老人的口述历史等。出 版有《 乡音考古:行为采集•民俗演祭》、《乡音回家》、《 八府巡按•八音乩童》等。2011年获国家新闻与文化部“安卡沙国家广播大奖”最佳男播音员,为我国首位获奖的华裔广播人。
張寶幼 Teoh Poh Yew
以创意与魔术培训风格闻名,张宝幼在创新领域、数学教育界和讲师培训领域有20 年丰富的培训经验,她热忱、积极并充满创意;走遍东南亚、中国、保加利亚、丹麦、美国、德国、台湾、印度等17 个国家讲课,曾出版三本数学魔术书籍;经常被国内外电台、电视台、报章及杂志邀请分享创意教学法。也是“创意数学”课程创办人的她,总是让学习充满快乐和创意,引导智慧启发的教育学习。
Creative Mathematics Educator
Teoh Poh Yew inspires students to approach this “dreaded” subject with confidence and enthusiasm. With 20 years of training experience, she transforms Mathematics into a tool to develop creativity, enhance mathematical thinking and sharpen problem solving abilities through her fun workshops across 17 countries. Published with three (3) books on mathematical magic and founded “Creative Maths” (a licensed programme, available in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia), she appears regularly on TV and radio to share her experiences. She imbues joy and creativity in learning, while leading the education with wisdom.
張爵西 Jess Teong
曾演出五部电视剧及两部电影,后投入电影幕后工作至今。张爵西亦参与多部电影制作,如《纸月亮》等。2015年,首度自导自编《我来自纽约》,并于第 7 届澳门国际电影节荣获多个奖项,也让她有机会到日本参与多场电影节。多年来常居国外,回国后发现人与人之间的相处变得格外疏离。从生活中俯拾各种创作灵感,希望藉由自身经历、角度以及价值观,拍出适合一家大小观赏的电影。
Managing Director and Producer of The Three Production
She has acted in five (5) drama series and two (2) movies, then decided to undertake the role of back scene. Jess has participated in numerous movies production, “Paper Moon” etc. In year 2015, the movie ‘The Kid From The Big Apple’, which written and directed by Jess has won several best awards at the 7th Macau International Movie Festival. This opportunity has earned her a few invitations to film festival in Japan. She has been a while in overseas and realised the alienation in people’s interaction after her return. This idea has prompted her to produce a movie for all with her personal experience, perspective and value.
梁國銘 Dr. Eric Leong
The One Academy 檳城院區校長
Principal of The One Academy Penang
After completed his formal education in Johor Bahru, he furthered his studies in Singapore. Dr Eric Leong holds two major qualifications in both Interior Design and Business Studies and in year 2012, a Doctorate of Art from Teesside University, UK. Started his own design studio in year 2001, same year, he launched his first Interior makeover TV show in Malaysia and entitled him the glamour of “Raja Hias” or “Design King” of Malaysia. He is not only a Kuala Lumpur-based international renowned designer, but he is the creative mastermind behind numerous international designer product series. To him, a good and breathtaking design requires not only bold and outstanding, but also up-to-date and stylish.
楊佳賢 Jason Yeoh
电视工作者。杨佳贤作品风格质朴平实,含探触生命本质的《贤途有你》;紧扣饮食与人生,唤醒人与土地共同记忆的《阿贤人情味》、《阿贤贪吃路线》与《 在地食光》;梳理亚洲饮食脉络的《阿贤亚洲好食光》等等,作品曾获大马和亚洲电视大奖最佳清谈节目与最佳生活休闲节目等殊荣。2009年自组“全职生活”电视制作团队,以人文关怀记录庶民生活,让陌生的心更为靠近,为大马电视节目开拓另一道珍贵的人文风景线。
楊成偉 Jayz Yong
童年酷爱画画,尔后爱上摄影。小型数位相机陪伴杨成伟的青涩年代。曾担任急救导师,以及多年营销经验,2010 年成立Centre of Picture Creation Sdn Bhd 摄影公司,婚摄让他见证人在被幸福围绕时,所呈现出简单快乐的真实情感,而这真实情感一直是他不断追求的摄影目标。所以,“发掘您内心真实无价的故事”成了Picture Creation 的信仰。2015年,他启动“Endless Smile 停不下来的微笑”计划,走进小镇,免费为人捕捉发自真心的微笑,让快乐延续与传递,让微笑停不下来。
洪武聰 BC Ang
在成长历程中,他以为父亲是一名特工,幻想着父亲能与他一起创造玩具模型。洪武聪 (BC) 的父亲是玩具制造商,因此 BC 的童年常在玩具工作坊观摩父亲制作的玩具模型。父亲期望他能成为一名飞行员,在13岁时,把他送入了军校。後来,被证实患上色盲,因此 BC 没有成为特工或飞行员,而进入了建筑系。BC 相信设计是在特定的点把运用功能,技术和情感的交错中一项寻求中和的行为,也同时把所有的想法凝聚以达至平衡。
洪菀璐 Luisa Hung
来自台湾的洪菀璐,早在学生时期就以槟城作为研究基地。来到槟城後,在陈耀威文史建筑研究室从事文史研究与修复工作。婚後度过了四年半的全职妈妈生活,因参与槟城速写重拾画笔。目前是自由研究工作者,从事插画工作, 以常(平)民式图文探讨在地议题,定期在平面媒体和儿童刊物发表,将触角伸入社区,遇上了许多奇人轶事。《 妈妈的田野笔记》是她的第一本书,诠释着她对文化习俗与宗教活动内涵的解读—「出走华人国,唐番双栖」。
Field Sketch Researcher
A foreigner spouse from Taiwan, Luisa WanLu Hung used to work as a heritage architect and researcher in Penang. Six years ago, Luisa joined the Urban Sketchers Penang as a way to seek some relief from the burden as a full-time mother. She loves to sketch and write about local cultures and traditions and has been involved in a number of local community projects. She uses print media as well as online social media as a platform to interact with people and reach out to the like-minded. She is keen to communicate with and “faham” (understand) the non-Chinese world using her broken Bahasa Melayu.
王懷樂 Stuart Jay Raj
Stuart Jay Raj holds a degree in Cognitive and Applied Linguistics from Griffith University, meanwhile an interpreter and hosted a TV programme on Thai Channel 5. He is a polyglot who specializes in the languages and dialects spoken in South East Asia and China. With his background knowledge of Sanskrit, Khmer, Lao and various Chinese dialects and minority languages enables him to present a fascinating and unique perspective on how to learn the languages of the region, which makes everything fall logically into place. His skills in language and international relations have allowed him to develop industry specific knowledge and skills in several domains, where he works on the ground across Asia bridging cultures through crisis management and training.
許斗達 Dr. Koh Doh Tat
鄭鳳雲 Tin Fong Yun
受到一户美国家庭启发,郑凤云自2016年展开零垃圾生活实验,为生活中每一个会产生垃圾的行为及物品寻找替代方案。也是专栏作者的她,曾在美国大自然保护协会北京办事处担任实习生,参与中国的淡水项目计划;回马后担任报章专题记者,专注撰写环境议题。 在庞大的环境议题前,她一直思考:每个人究竟可以做些什么?2016年1月1日至今,她和丈夫两人产生的垃圾总量,仅仅用一个500毫升玻璃瓶就能装下。
Aurora Tin is an author, Columnist and Feature Journalist. She was the former Intern in The Nature Conservancy Beijing office, working on Fresh Water Programme in China. After her return from abroad, she worked as newspaper Feature Journalist, focusing on environmental reporting. When dealing with enormous environmental problems, she’s always trying to find the easiest solution that everyone can be part of. Inspired by an American family, Fong Yun started her Zero Trash Project in 2016, finding alternatives for every trash in her daily life. So far, the amount of trash that she and her husband have produced only about the volume of 500ml glass jar.
陳彥妮 Tan Ean Nee
陈彦妮,毕业于马来西亚理科大学大众传播系。曾任ntv7华语新闻主播、时事节目《追踪档案》主持人、TV2《前线视窗》专题节目制作人,现为Care & Share Circle的创办人。长期致力于推动麻疯病患康复者及后代的家庭关系重建工作,并受邀到各大专院校和中小学演讲,让大众更了解麻疯病社区议题、社区历史以及麻疯病康复者及后代集体被隔离的情感世界。她积极推动保存麻疯病院社区历史与文物的双溪毛糯网络文物馆计划,目前为双溪毛糯口述历史工作队的总协调、田野研究员兼社区志工。彦妮出版过的著作有《回家》(2011),The Way Home (2012), 《大路后的查某囡仔》(2012), Pertemuan Di Pusara (2014), Reunion at the Graveyard (2015), The Valley of Hope Pictorial History Book (2015).
陳志勝 Dr. Chan Chee Seng
自英国朴茨茅斯大学 (University of Portsmouth) 完成博士学位,陈志胜长期研究电脑视觉和模糊定性推理,主攻图像 / 视频内容的分析和人机互动。他是IEEE电脑智能学会 (CIS) 马来西亚分会创始人与高级会员,曾荣获工程技术 (马来西亚) 青年工程师奖丶日立研究奖学金,并授予马来西亚科学院—青年科学家的荣誉(YSN-ASM)。目前,他是特许工程师和工程技术学会的会员 (IET)。
Chan Chee Seng received his Ph.D from University of Portsmouth, UK in 2008. He is currently an avid researcher, his current project is in computer vision and fuzzy qualitative reasoning, with a focus on image / video content analysis along with humanrobot interaction. He is also the founder chairperson for the IEEE, Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Malaysia chapter and a recipient of the young Scientist Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) in 2015. He was received into the Hitachi Research Fellowship in 2013 and awarded the Young Engineer award by the Institution of Engineering & Technology (Malaysia) in 2010. He is a senior member of IEEE, a chartered engineer and a member of the Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET).
馬梁旗 Beh Leong Kee
担任多家本地与海外企务谈判顾问的马梁旗,也是报章专栏作者。2007 年因脑部细菌感染,需要进行高风险的脑部手术,与死神擦肩而过。多年来,他活跃于义务协助非盈利组织进行对外的调解工作,赢得“良心顾问”的美誉。在谈判场域经验超过 20 年的他,也常受邀在电台
与电视台分享其实战经历。由于甚少“误判”,行内人替他取名“ 马神”。2016 年,他受聘于马来西亚世纪学院(SEGi College),担任“心理学系职场顾问”。
鼟樂團 The Teng Ensemble
Multicultural Fusion Orchestra
The critically acclaimed TENG Ensemble bridges the traditional and contemporary, the East and West, and the old and new. Their sound is current, innovative, visionary and urban, and is guided by Asian aesthetics. Their works take inspiration from Singapore’s heritage and are presented in a way that is accessible and representative of Singaporean culture and a Southeast Asian musical language.