x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 破牆 Breakthrough

This event occurred on
October 23, 2016
1:00pm - 6:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Taipei, Taipei

2016年,是臺灣民間教育界百家齊放的一年,也是新媒體崛起的時機。這一年,封閉的社會結構和教育體制受到撞擊,12年的填鴨式教育受到挑戰。「TEDxNTUST 破牆年會」,將有五位講者,和三位表演者。他們的年齡都與我們相近,但特別的是這些人勇敢的對於他們不滿足、希望能夠改變的事情做出行動。這些突破格局的人,達到社會「限制下的無所限制」,我們稱他們為:「破牆者」。

2016 TEDxNTUST年會使命,是透過一系列的優質TEDx活動,將這個世代所需要的「破牆精神」植入青年心中,並邀請每一位夥伴共同成為突破自己格局和視野的「破牆者」。

The idea of this topic was inspired by things which a famous Taiwanese mountaineer, Ming Chine, Shie had said: Many people only focus on their own tasks, working hard on them in their small bedroom every day. However, they don’t know that they actually have the abilities to create something even greater, like building a castle. Putting those great ideas into action and sharing them with people; then everyone can break the walls around them. We expect that this TEDx event not only brings out specific new ideas, but also share the thought of that everyone can foster creative new ideas, which helps audience to do self-reflection and put thinking into action right away afterwards. As a result, we divided our topic into two parts/decorations. One is “accumulate.” Speakers begin with their ideas, and share the result of discussion about the ideas. The other is “rebuild”, which implies the re-creation of self- breakthrough. Speakers share how they break the frame of reality, leading audience to do self-reflection in order to find out more various viewpoints through sharing their unique thoughts.

NTUST, Da'an Dist., Taipei
Taipei, Taipei
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­N­T­U­S­T events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


西卡大叔自大學時期開始當背包客。因為旅行是西卡熱愛的一件事,於是他把旅行中人與人接觸的感動與冒險精神延伸到自己的事業 —創立途中青年旅舍。今年年會,你將感受到西卡堅持的精神與信念,動容每位心中有所憧憬的參加者。

侯 智薰


吳 孝儒


黃 偉翔


黃 品叡


Organizing team

