Alejandra Gonzales
Student and future teacher
Alejandra is a student of art and design, an art enthusiast who has carved her way through life in a medium that does not value theater as a formal profession. At its young age it has founded several theater clubs and is part of several social movements that foment these spaces. She maintains that there is a social conditioning that does not allow us to advance as a society
Belen Quintanilla
Free Walking Tours Guide
Belen is a 21 year old law student who was looking for money to attend a concert in another city, along with her friend and now a member of Mishelle, founded "Free Walking Tours" in the city of Cuenca - Ecuador. Their story tells the problems they have had to make a proposal outside the traditional system and how day by day they overcome these obstacles. We could say that Belen is an activist since she is always involved in social movements for society. An example to follow for the youth of our city.
Brandon Avila
Professor of language and literature, game designer and passionate gamer
Brandon is a young teacher who is making a change in the formal education of his country, Ecuador. Passionate seeks his students to learn and seek their passion, a true friend and guide for anyone who passes through his classroom. From a very young age he was charmed by video games and all kinds of games! When he began to teach he found the concept of gamification and from there he has developed his own methodology to create games and to teach.
Francesca Flandoli
Blogger, actress, singer, professional model, TV presenter, fashion designer and Communication and advertising student
Francesca is one of those people who is not content to dominate a profession at the age of 27 has done what many have done in a lifetime. As she calls herself, a seeker of light, she tries to discover the essence of life in all her steps. Self-taught from his birth, he contemplates that the words were put in our mouths to be used.
Jose David Sinche
Hospital Clown, Circus artist and Future Doctor
Jose David is a medical student with very different abilities to social stereotypes. An adept at musical instruments, he has taught himself to play various instruments ... at the same time!. He considers himself as a curious person and this is what has moved him to seek to learn more and more things. A true servant who seeks to give love and smiles to others, he is the founder of a group of hospital clowns with whom he gives smiles to those who have often lost hope.
Director de Innovación Yachay
Juan Pablo Espinosa Burgos, es ecuatoriano, Master en Dirección Estratégica y Gestión de la Innovación , Especialista en Planificación Estratégica Urbana, Abogado, con Especialización Superior en Derecho Procesal y Mediador acreditado por la Camara de Comercio de Quito; adicionalmente cuenta con estudios en Innovación Abierta en el Sector público, por ESAD, Barcelona; y, en Compras Públicas Sustentables, por la OEA.; es socio fundador de Tribu Innovación ( consultoria en innovación urbana) y Dinámica ( Asesoría y capacitación para emprendedores y start ups): es tutor virtual del BID ( Banda Ancha para el Desarrollo), del Centro de Estudios de Banda Ancha, CEABAD ( Capacitación digital y alfabetización digital) y del Centro Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Estratégico Urbano, CIDEU ( Gestión y evaluación de proyectos estratégicos urbanos ) . Dentro del sector público, se ha desempeñado como Coordinador de la Agenda Digital de Quito 2022.
Katherine Astudillo
Katherine is a person born with what she says, "a different way of doing things". Her life history is an example of overcoming and adapting to a society that is not ready to serve people with different abilities. As she says, adapting is necessary to not lose opportunities, success is in asking what you can do instead of asking what you can not. Her goals are the same as anyone but her path to reach them is different.
Mishelle Calle
Free Walking Tours Guide
Belén and Mishelle tell us about their passion for tourism development and how they managed to consolidate the Free Walking Tours Cuenca.
Paul Flores
Chef and teacher of gourmet cuisine
Paul Flores is a young chef from the city of Cuenca - Ecuador, besides being a lover of the culinary arts is a passionate teacher, at his young age has founded several institutes of cooking that seek to teach that everyone can cook. Paul teaches through a method that he calls cooking therapy in which through the kitchen can improve the way of life and even as a psychological therapy.
Paul Jarrin
Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at EDEC-EP
Coordinador de #EEAA en Ecuador. Co-fundador de AIESEC en Cuenca. Ex-presidente de AIESEC en Cuenca. Coordinador del Global Community Development Program en AIESEC in Cape Town. Miembro de la Red Botín para Fortalecimiento de la Función Pública en Latinoamérica. Pasante de la Corte Juzgado 4 de lo Civil y oficina de citaciones. Pasante de la Dirección de Relaciones Externas de la alcaldía de Cuenca.