Andreas Arnold
Andreas ist ausgebildeter Krankenpfleger und Heilpraktiker mit eigener Praxis. Jetzt studiert er im 4. Semester Medizin.
Christian Spannagel
Christian ist Prorektor für Forschung, Medien und IT und Professor für Mathematik- und Informatikdidaktik an der PH Heidelberg.
Christoph Burkhardt
After graduating from the London School of Economics as an Organizational Psychologist Christoph has worked as an independent business consultant and facilitator of change and innovation. He lives in San Francisco, without a doubt the number one hotspot for the most innovative companies of our time. For 6 years he has been helping clients around the globe to fail professionally and he has done so very successfully.
Martin Finger
Martin ist Software-Entwickler und nimmt sich momentan eine Auszeit, um seine Idee eines gerechteren Geldsystems zu verfolgen. Er sieht sich als Freidenker und Utopist, seine Ideen sind aber ganz pragmatisch in der Realität angesiedelt.
Naomi Paxton
Originally from Brisbane, Australia, Naomi has travelled to Germany to pursue a double international masters degree in biofabrication at the University of Würzburg. Naomi’s research focusses on using advanced medical 3D printing techniques to fabricate customised bone and cartilage tissues for patients who have suffered tissue loss as a result of disease, trauma or birth defects. Naomi hopes that one day, biofabrication technology could be available in every hospital in the world so patients can have customised tissues and organs cheaply, safely and rapidly fabricated for immediate implantation.