Why doesn't the real world work more like an online game? In the best-designed games, our human experience is optimized. We have important work to do, we're surrounded by potential collaborators, and we learn quickly and in a low-risk environment.
What about games makes it impossible to feel that we can't achieve everything? How can we take those feelings from games and apply them to real-world work? How are we going to solve real-world problems in games?
These will be the questions that we will be answering during our next TEDx event!
Social Innovation Hub
Rugjer Boshovikj 16
Скопје, Karpoš, 1000
Rugjer Boshovikj 16
Скопје, Karpoš, 1000
- Event type:
- Salon (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.