x = independently organized TED event

Theme: TEDxArendal

This event occurred on
September 9, 2016
Arendal, Aust-Agder

2 day event with 3 sessions, workshops and lots of mingling, ideas and creative visions!
Workshop included pre-event

Arendal kulturhus
Sam Eydes plass
Arendal, Aust-Agder, 4801
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Arendal events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anita Schjøll Brede

Anita has a passion for entrepreneurship and creating ventures, and it is the process in itself - starting from a vague idea and moving towards building something real that makes a difference in people's lives - that inspires her. The past 10 years her career has spanned 9 industries including developing an e-learning tools, performing theater for babies, reducing energy consumption,getting 30 engineers to dance to ABBA in front of their co-workers, facilitating solar light business creation, crashing and burning a few startups, organizing entrepreneurial conferences and trying to disrupt the recruitment industry. Oh - she also dropped by 6 universities on the way. And built a race car! Another passion is presentations and any kind of public speaking. If given a chance to be in front of a crowd, She'll take it. She is considered decently nomadic, though Norway is where most of her physical belongings are, and where she oddly feel somewhat at home.

Bård Fossli Jensen

A medical doctor, specialist in pediatric medicine, has a Ph.D. in medical communication and is trained in hypnotherapy. He teaches medical students, doctors and other health care professionals on how to successfully combine the latest medicine with the latest research in the field of communication.

Catharine Fay

As Catharine watched a rocket soaring into space from her uncle’s backyard near the Kennedy Space Centre as a child, she never envisioned that one day she would have the opportunity to make materials for aircraft and spacecraft for NASA or be part of the space exploration program. The most exciting part of her job is designing new materials, breaking them, exposing them to extreme environments, and then determining their best applications. Inspiring others in science and research makes the job even better.

Dag Berild

Dag Berild is a professor and a senior consultant in infectious diseases at both the University of Oslo and Oslo University College. Berild’s research concerns the rational use of antibiotics and his aim is to prevent antibiotic resistance, and to strengthen doctors’ knowledge on antibiotics so that they in turn can improve antibiotic use and reduce this resistance. He has conducted several intervention studies to improve antibiotic use both in Norway and in Russia, and also heads the Study Group for rational antibiotic and trough his day-to-day work. In this talk he will explain why this matters, and paint a scary picture of a world without a cure if we do not start to adjust our thinking now.

Even Moland

Evens research interests span across several disciplines in marine science, from behavioral ecology of aquatic organisms to fisheries biology. In his PhD (Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo) he focused on conservation biology of European lobster in marine reserves context. Under the broad marine conservation biology umbrella, Even is interested in effects of restoring ‘natural’ age and size structure in harvested populations on reproduction, recruitment and survival. Additionally, he is interested in the study of marine animal movement behaviors and habitat selection in relation to life stage and survival, and its bearings on marine reserve- / MPA design.

Gunhild Carling

An old-school jazz artist of astonishing ability, Gunhild Carling combines her extraordinary talents on the trumpet and trombone with a healthy dose of vaudeville. Like all great entertainers, Gunhild is a triple threat: not only can she handle a range of instruments (banjo, bagpipes, trombone, and recorder), she can also sing and dance!

Henry Dagg

Henry Dagg has been creating unusual sounds and music from an early age, and views it as his vocation. Born into a family of classical musicians, he spent his formative years building electronic and acoustic devices to produce and modify sound, and experimenting with tape manipulation. He joined the BBC with the aim of creating special music for radio and television, and composed music for numerous programmes. Dagg considers his work in developing new instruments and sound-sculptures to be an integral part of his work as a composer and performer, with the ultimate aim of creating a range of new instruments on which his own music can be performed live. One sound-sculpture commission, The Sharpsichord, became the chosen instrument on a track from Bjork’s Biophilia project, and it performed live with her during her tour. Dagg brought this 3 ton musical instrument to the stage of TEDxArendal and tells us the story behind it, and how he arrived at this masterpiece.

James Beacham

Dr James Beacham is an experimental high-energy particle physicist with the ATLAS Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. He spends his time sifting through the largest unique dataset in human history, looking for exotic Higgs bosons, dark photons, gravitons, dark matter, extra dimensions, quantum black holes, and answers to the most baffling open questions of science.

Karen Bit Vejle

When she was just five years old Karen Bit Vejle made her first patterned paper cut. Folding an ordinary sheet of paper once or twice and carefully cutting holes in it using a pair of scissors left her spellbound. That magical feeling – of slowly unfolding the sheet of paper to reveal the beautiful patterns within – has never left her. Indeed, it has flourished into a lifelong passion for creating stories in paper (known as ‘psaligraphy’) – a passion that has made her a globally recognised artist. Every single scissor cut is carefully planned and executed, as the slightest mistake will lead to disastrous consequences for the end result.

Kristin Oudmayer

Kristin is behind the UNICEF Norway’s advocacy program «You can be The One» and is a public speaker and columnist. She is a sought-after lecturer on mental health, bullying and social media. She also advocates children’s rights, and expresses the importance of adults as role models. Her articles and opinion pieces have been published by a variety of newspapers and magazines. Kristin also blogs about social media, children’s rights and other social issues.

Kristine Ullaland

As a social anthropologist, Kristine claims “What scares me when it comes to the environmental challenges that stand before us, are not the challenges themselves, but that many people believe that they, personally, cannot make a difference. But they certainly can! The grassroots are very powerful”.

Lars Bulien Tjøgersen

Lars is a positive and inspiring coach and is always thinking about how to get more exercise and find fun ways to work out.

Lars Johansson-Kjellerød

As a former broker manager Lars got bored with the financial sector and started his own IT company where he employs only people with Asperger syndrome or autism. Where few leaders dare to hire outside the norm, Lars Johansson-Kjellerød has made it his business idea.

Ole Morten Olesen

Ole Morten has an extensive background in R&D and is focused on "Desert Control" since the companys inception. He has been instrumental in developing and testing Liquid nano clay, which is a tool for turning sand into soil.

Pellegrino Riccardi

Pellegrino is many things: A Rock musician, teacher, communications consultant, cross-cultural expert and motivational speaker are some. Pellegrino Riccardi has spent the last 30 years travelling the globe as an international keynote speaker. The common thread running through these many roles is making a connection with audiences through their hearts and mind. Also helping the people he communicates with to connect and interact more effectively with each another.

Per-Ivar Selvaag

Per-Ivar is one of the international design community’s leading thinkers and has worked on a lot of projects. Having worked on the design craft on many various projects his insight into the process and thought-pattern behind it is exceptional.

Peter Stavrum-Nielsen

Just two weeks after graduating from the Royal Music Academy in Silkeborg, Danish drummer Peter Stavrum Nielsen landed a dream role in the international show Stomp, with which he toured and performed around the globe for the next six years (including a spot at the closing ceremony of London’s 2012 Olympics). On returning to Copenhagen in 2008, Peter cofounded Body Rhythm Factory – a performance group that has since held over 400 concerts, touring both Europe and China. As a young child Peter would bring out his mother’s pots and pans, entertaining the family with drums and dance. And it’s the same drive today – Peter needs to play and perform. As a musician Peter is always on the search for sounds, grooves and new ways of making music – often with stage performance in mind.

Petter Amundsen

The closest thing you get to a modern day ’Indiana Jones’, Petter has travelled far and wide in the quest for lost knowledge and to ensure its preservation and revelation. He has uncovered lost inscriptions, decrypted secret ciphers and just may have uncovered hidden messages in some of the world’s greatest literary works.

Rita Westvik

Rita is a social worker, journalist, presenter, political adviser and foresight expert – Rita Westvik is a woman who wears many hats. She likes beautiful green buildings, trendy street-level bars and creative chefs – you get the picture!

Ruganzu Bruno

Ruganzu Bruno Tusingwire, an eco-artist from Uganda, turned thousands of plastic water bottles into an amusement park for children, an idea he first started exploring as a student at Kyambogo University. This is just one of many art-projects he has launched. «Art is unifying,” Tusingwire explains. “We can use what is around us to create treasure, employment opportunities, and make the environment better. There is a wonderful world of possibilities before us.”

Runar Jarle Wiik

Filmmaker Runar Jarle Wiik began shooting and directing during his time at The London International Film School in the mid-1980s (being the youngest student to be admitted at that time). Whilst there he worked as assistant director on the Fuji Film Award-winning “MacHeath” which starred John Hurt. Since then he has mainly taken on assignments as a D.O.P on documentaries from all corners of the globe: Uganda, Sudan, Guatemala, the Middle East (Gaza and West Bank), South Africa, Cambodia, French Polynesia and as far flung as the North Pole.

Shaun McBride

Shaun McBride, aka «Shonduras», is Snapchat’s first home-grown celebrity and one of the first people to make money from his intricate and personal Snapchat art. With his long, curly hair tucked under a backward baseball cap, McBride has his six younger sisters to thank for his on-going digital success.

Siv Harstad

Siv has worked internationally with many of the leading Fortune 500 companies. Today, she helps people transform challenges into achievements with her inspiring and authentic leadership methodology, by taking people on eye-opening adventures in places like Kilimanjaro and Nepal.

Tara Shears

Particle physicist Dr Tara Shears is a researcher at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the European centre for particle physics. Tara joined the LHC Beauty experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in 2004, where she started a program of electroweak physics – seeking answers as to why there is so little antimatter in the universe. She has performed many precise tests in particle physics theory, and her research program continues to this day.

Teo Härén

Teo Härén is an author and speaker on Business Creativity. He has worked in over 25 countries, and has inspired hundreds of thousands of business people to become more creative. In 2015, Teo was selected by The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise as one of Sweden’s most entrepreneurial persons, and he has also been picked – twice – as one of “Sweden’s 100 most inspiring people”. Teo started one of the world’s first online open innovation platforms were he read, and graded, over 30.000 ideas. So: if anyone knows a good idea, it is Teo! Oh, and once an elephant chased him up a tree in a national park In Zimbabwe. Ask him about that!

Organizing team


Arendal, Norway


Arendal, Norway
  • Ole Åkre
    Post production