x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
June 25, 2016
Tokyo, Tôkyô

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Ono Auditorium Hall
Shinjuku-ku Waseda
1-6-1 Nishi Waseda
Tokyo, Tôkyô
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Waseda­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Malcolm Field

Professor Malcolm Field was born and raised in Papua New Guinea. He completed his high school, undergraduate and master’s diplomas in Australia, and earned his doctorate from the School of Education at the University of Cambridge, England. His Ph.D. concerned the influence that technology has on learning in “cultural” contexts (specifically, the university). Professor Field has been associated with Waseda University for more than 12 years, and has held tenured professorships at Hakodate Future University and Kyorin University. Professor Field regularly conducts leadership and pedagogy training and workshops in Vietnam. Around four years ago, he returned to the discipline of learning and thinking, attempting to apply the growth of knowledge regarding cognitive and behavioural sciences to “cultural” contexts.

Mitsuo Nakata

仲田氏はイスラエルやマレーシアなど政府観光局の招聘で多くの国を取材。また、ディズニー本社の招待でフロリダのディズニーワールドの取材も行う。国内外のアーティストや著名人500名以上をインタビューし、未だに多くの著名人と親交がある。 世界各国を訪れた際に日本文化が多くの国にリスペクトされていることに驚き、2014年にリアルの日本文化や習慣などを発信するYouTube番組「Tokyo Voice TV」を立ち上げ世界中で視聴されている。 また、ニュージャポニズムを世界に広めるため、2015年に葛飾北斎ゆかりのお寺を中心に「北斎プロジェクト協会」を立ち上げ代表理事に就任。特にアニメや音楽、芸術、習慣などを通して日本文化に興味を持ってもらうことでインバウンドに繋がる活動をメインにしている。

Rick Clemons

Rick Clemons, Author of “Frankly My Dear I’m Gay”. Rick is a host on The Coming Out Lounge podcast, certified life coach, and has helped thousands of people in over fifty countries across the globe gain the ability to confidently control and express their uniqueness, and make their "Quirk Work."

Soness Stevens

Soness Stevens, a global communications practitioner. You can see Soness every week on NHK TV’s Pre Kiso. She is currently an associate professor at Yokohama National University where she specialises in business presentation skills. She is also the author of the first multi media e-textbook in Japan, which is used by many universities across the nation. You may have seen her on NHK TV and Fox TV Japan, or recognise her voice as Hello Kitty from the official English version of the show. She lives in Shonan where she surfs and practices Zazen meditation.

Yuji Kitano


Zoonie Yamada

ズーニー氏は、想いを言葉に表して人に通じさせる力 =「文章表現力」の教育師。全国で表現力育成のワークショップを開き、「書けない人も数時間で見違えるような文章を書く」、「想いが表現できた!」と感動を呼んでいる。出発点はBenesse小論文編集長、高校生の「書く力」の育成に16年携わり、 書く前段階の「考える」作業を着実にやれば、だれでも実感ある・伝わる文章が書 けることを発見する。2000年、フリーランスになり、全国多数の大学・企業で表現教育を展開中。『理解という名の愛がほしい』河出書房新社をはじめ、書くことを通じて自らも表現をしており、表現教育者と 表現者の両輪で、今後も人を生かし、自らも生かしていきたい。著書『伝わる・揺さぶる!文章を書く』PHP新書は2016年現在46刷のロングセラーとして版を重ね続け、読む人をこう励まし続ける、「あなたには書く力がある。」

Organizing team


Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo, Japan