Blame It On The Drummer
De muziek van BioTD valt te omschrijven als lekker funkende rock met elementen uit blues, waarin rustige sfeerbeelden en snoeiharde gitaarsolo's elkaar in hoog tempo afwisselen.
Beluister ons debuutalbum, Stalemate, op:
Karthik Mahadevan
Student Industrial Design Engineering
My TEDxDelftSalon talk is around the term that I have coined as ‘AI/AX Design’, which essentially means designing for interaction and experience of an AI in mind, rather than a user.
Kelly Hamers
Student Life Science & Technology
During my study at the Delft University of Technology a teacher told the story of the first patient to be treated with penicillin. Reserve constable Albert Alexander (1897-1941) died after the hospital had run out of penicillin to treat him with. Imagine being halfway through your recovery and then being told: “I am sorry, sir, we ran out of medicine.” Synthetic biology ensures that something like that does not happen again.
Speaker, author & dedicated to empower entrepreneurs to awaken their confidence and become the inspired person they want to be.
Rachel is a speaker, lecturer, trainer, and bestselling author of "Awaken Your Confidence: 15 people share their Journey to Success."
Living and working in several countries for many years, she developed a passion for cultures and languages. Besides boosting people's confidence, intercultural awareness and conversational languages are her favorite topics to teach online and offline.
She graduated from the University of Maryland (US) with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and achieved her master’s degree in management from the University of St Andrews (UK). Born and raised in Belgium, she worked and lived in several countries, and currently resides in the Netherlands.
Striving, Sure, Social & Sportive. She keeps her mind & body in balance by daily exercising either while running outside or lifting weights at the gym.
You can find out more on her website:
Rachel enjoys motivating and inspiring people to become the person they want to be.
Life changes, and so can you!