x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The biggest TEDx event of the year in Slovenia

This event occurred on
November 8, 2015
5:00pm - 9:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Ljubljana, Ljubljana

On the 8th of November the team of TEDxLjubljana will prepare a somehow traditional autumn event, in the Gallus hall of the Cankarjev dom. As always the team has selected new, inspiring and interesting speakers, with topics about medicine, statistics, motivation, entrepreneurship, biology, astrophysics, energetics, economy and other aspects of the world around us. The event was as popular as always, with the tickets gone in just 30 seconds! After 6 years, more than a 100 different speakers and one special event on a plane, we don’t seem to be running out of ideas worth spreading.

Cankarjev dom
Prešernova cesta 10
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 1000
See more ­T­E­Dx­Ljubljana events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

The Saxtopus

The Saxtopus is an idea about the combination of various styles that are integrated into one musical language with extended playing technics on the wind instruments. Serious contemporary sounds are translated into entertaining program, where popular songs are being used, so the audience feels comfortable, while listening advanced contemporary music on the saxophones, flute and EWI.

Andrej Fink

Sem čisto navaden človek Vodja Reševalne postaje Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra v Ljubljani in poveljnik štaba Civilne zaščite KCL, na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Jesenice pa sodeluje kot visokošolski učitelj. Na podiplomskem študiju na George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences je pridobil naslov MSHS. Univerzitetni študij je zaključil na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru, pred tem pa Visoko šolo za zdravstvo v Ljubljani. Head of Ambulance Service at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana and head of Civil defence at the Medical Centre Ljubljana, higher education teacher at the Faculty of Health Care in Jesenice. He finished postgraduate study of MSHS at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences after finishing study at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences and Higher Education Institution for Healt Care in Ljubljana.

Andreja Gomboc

Redna profesorica na Fakulteti za naravoslovje Univerze v Novi Gorici, pred tem pa izredna profesorica na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko ter Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Andreja je delovala v skupini za raziskovanje izbruhov sevanja gama na Astrofizikalnem raziskovalnem inštitutu Univerze John Moores v Liverpoolu, kjer se je po doktoratu kot štipendistka Marie Curie izpopolnjevala. Skupina je leta 2007 prejela nagrado za raziskovalni projekt leta, ki jo podeljuje britanski časopis Times Higher Education. Full time professor at the Faculty of Science, University of Nova Gorica, previously as a associate professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and Faculty of Education, both University of Ljubljana. Andreja worked in a group for research of gama ray bursts at the Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, where she was upgrading after PhD. In 2007 the group received an award for research project of the year by Times Higher Eucation.

Dejan Roljič

Direktor in soustanovitelj ABC Acceleratorja, prvega slovenskega start-up pospeševalnika, odprtega marca 2015 v Ljubljani. Pri zgolj 16 letih se je preizkusil s svojim prvim start-upom, a kmalu odnehal, 3 leta pozneje pa pri LiveCliq pridobil prve in najpomembnejše izkušnje v podjetniški karieri. Leta 2013 je soustanovil in vodil svoj prvi večji start-up, Formtaste Innovations, podjetje za izdelavo avtomatskih tiskalnih kioskov. Širša javnost ga je spoznala tudi zaradi humanitarne akcije Kruh za pr´jatla. Founder and CEO of ABC Accelerator, first Slovenian start-up accelerator, opened in March 2015. At the age of only 16 he launched his first start-up and ended shortly after. 3 years later he joined LiveCliq and gained first but yet most important entrepreneurship experiences. In 2013 he cofounded his first larger start-up, Formtaste Innovations, specialized in printing vending machines. He was an initiator of humanitarian campaign Bread for a Buddy.

Janja Božič Marolt

CEO and cofounder of the Institute for market and media research, Mediana, specialized company for creating, planning and conducting the research, founded in 1992. After finishing her study of sociology on the Faculty of Social Science at University of Ljubljana she started her career as a media planner in a company Studio Marketing. She is cofounder of Media Services AGB, company for TAM services and from 2005 representative of ESOMAR - World Association for Market, Social and Opinion Research. She was chief of supervisory board of Slovenian National Marketing Chamber. Direktorica in soustanoviteljica Inštituta za raziskovanje trga in medijev Mediana, ustanovljenega leta 1992. Na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani je končala študij sociologije, poklicno pot pa je nato začela kot medijska načrtovalka v agenciji Studio Marketing. Je soustanoviteljica Media services AGB. Od leta 2005 je predstavnica združenja ESOMAR - svetovne organizacije tržnih in javnomnenjskih raziskovalcev.

Miomir Knežević

Direktor in soustanovitelj biotehnološkega podjetja Educell, pred tem v biotehnološkem podjetju Biobanka, kjer trenutno deluje kot strokovni direktor. V dosedanji karieri je dobil številne strokovne reference na inštitutih in v biotehnoloških podjetjih - tudi kot (so)ustanovitelj, v Sloveniji in Avstriji ter v Belgiji na Direktoratu Evropske Komisije. Doktorski ter magistrski študij biotehnologije in diplomski biologije je zaključil na Biotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. CEO and co-founder of the biotech company Educell Ltd., based in Ljubljana, previously in company Biobanka Ltd., where he is currently in position of Medical Director. In his previous career path he acquired many expert references at the institutes and biotech companies - also as (co)founder, in Slovenija and Austria and in the Directorate of the European Commision. He finished his PhD and Master´s in biotehnology and undergraduate in biology at the Faculty of Biotehnology, University of Ljubljana.

Nina Sankovič

Od leta 2011 deluje kot svetovalka za odnose z javnostmi v ljubljanski Snagi, vodilnemu slovenskemu podjetju na področju ravnanja z odpadki. Izkušnje na področju komuniciranja je pridobivala v Studiu 3S, na meddržavni ravni pa kot zunanja sodelavka Evropske komisije, ko je za Slovenijo vodila celostno širitveno komunikacijsko strategijo ozaveščanja slovenske javnosti o zadevah EU. Leta 2013 je družbeno odgovorna iniciativa ˝Enkratno je stvari uporabljati večkratno˝ na SOF-u prejela nagrado za kampanjo leta. Since 2011 she is in position of Public Relations Advisor in Snaga, leading slovenian company for waste management, based in Ljubljana. She gained experinces of public relations area in Studio 3S Agency as well as external associate of European Commision. In 2013 socially responsible campaign ˝It´s great to use things more than once˝ took the award at Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF).

Peter Buhrmann

Since 2004 Director of Højskolen Østersøen, high volk school, in Aabenraa. He finished master in German literature and psychology at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, later on he finished PhD study on German literature. In the period 2002-2004 he worked at the University of Kopenhagen, publishing publications about, amoung other, aim and importance of existance of volk high schools. He participated with several Universities in Denmark between 2005 and 2013, at the Department of Germanic studies. Od leta 2004 je direktor ljudske šole Højskolen Østersøen v Aabenraaju. Na Univerzi v Aarhusu je zaključil magisterij na področju nemške književnosti in psihologije, pozneje pa na področju nemške literature pridobil naziv doktor znanosti. Med letoma 2002 in 2004 se je zaposlil na Univerzi v Kopenhagnu in izdajal publikacije, med drugimi, o namenu in pomembnosti obstoja ljudskih šol.

Rafael Mihalič

Redni profesor in predstojnik Katedre za elektroenergetske sisteme in naprave ter Laboratorija za preskrbo z električno energijo na Fakulteti za Elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani (FE UL) ter član CIGRE in IEEE. Doktoriral, magistriral in diplomiral je na FE UL, v času podiplomskega študija je delal v SIEMENS AG Erlagen v Nemčiji. V okviru raziskovalnega dela je bil na strokovnih izpopolnjevanjih in gostovanjih v Nemčiji, Švici, Veliki Britaniji in Grčiji. Full time professor and head of the Department of Power Systems and Devices and Laboratory of Electric Power Supply at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana (FEE UL) and member of CIGRE and IEEE. He finished PhD, Master´s and undergraduate study at the FEE UL, during postgraduate study he was working in SIEMENS AG Erlagen in Germany. He atended expert upgradings and was a guest in Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain and Greece.

Sara Isaković

Največji uspeh v plavanju je dosegla z 2. mestom na 200 m prosto na Olimpijskih igrah v Pekingu leta 2008, poleg tega pa tega leta še 1. mesto v tej disciplini na Evropskem prvenstvu v Eindhovnu in 2. mesto v štafeti 4 x 200 m prosto na EP v Debrecenu leta 2012. Zlata medalja na 100 m in 200 m prosto na mladinskem Evropskem prvenstvu v Lizboni leta 2004. Leta 2010 je prejela Bloudkovo nagrado, 2 leti prej pa je postala Slovenska športnica leta 2008. Na Univerzi Berkeley je leta 2013 diplomirala iz psihologije. Her biggest success in swimming was 2. place in 200 m free at the Olympics in Beijing in 2008, in the same year also 1. place in 200 m free at the European Championship in Eindhoven and 2. place in relay 4 x 200 m free at the EC in Debrecen in 2012. She received the Award of Stanko Bloudek in 2010 and was pronounced slovenian Sportswoman of the year 2008. In 2013 she finished undergraduate study of psychology at the Berkeley University.

Tadej Kotnik

Znanstveni svetnik in redni profesor na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani. Je prvi avtor 21 člankov v mednarodnih znanstvenih revijah, ki so skupaj doslej prejeli več kot 700 čistih citatov. Doktoriral je iz biofizike na Univerzi Pariz XI in iz elektrotehniških znanosti na FE Univerze v Ljubljani. Leta 2001 je prejel Galvanijevo nagrado Mednarodnega društva za bioelektrokemijo (Bioelectrochemical Society). Širši javnosti je znan po svojih kolumnah v časniku Finance. Science councillor and full time professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) at the University of Ljubljana. He is the first author of 21 articles in international science magazines, which together got more than 700 quotations up to now. In 2001 he was awarded with Luigi Galvani Medal by Bioelectrochemical Society. He finished PhD of Biophysics at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris XI and of Electrical Engineering Science at the FEE at the University of Ljubljana.

Zvezdan Pirtošek

Professor and PhD of Medicine, head of the Department of Neurology at University Medical Center in Ljubljana and head of a University Department of Neurology at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ljubljana, where he is a full time professor. He is cofounder of the Middle European interdisciplinary master programme in Cognitive Science. Researching the area of brain diseases, Parkinson disease and Dementia he marked this part of the Europe strongly. Profesor in doktor medicine, predstojnik kliničnega oddelka za bolezni živčevja Nevrološke klinike UKC Ljubljana in Katedre za nevrologijo na Medicinski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer redno predava. Je soustanovitelj srednjeevropskega meduniverzitetnega študija Kognitivne znanosti. Slovenski prostor je zaznamoval z raziskavami na področju možganov, Parkinsonove bolezni in demence.

Organizing team


Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • Ales Rosina
    Post production
  • Marko Cafnik
    Post production
  • Nika Mocnik