Diala Ahwach
Consultant at Beyond Reform and Development
ديالا أحوش، الملقبة ببنت الحمرا؛ خريجة علوم سياسية من الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. وهي اليوم مستشارة في الشركة الإجتماعية بيوند للإصلاح والتنمية.
تقول ديالا: " إن قصص العالم هي التي تجعلنا أكثر رحمةً وتقبلاً للآخر. وإن الإحتكاك مع الناس في المناطق والأضحية هو أحد السبل الأساسية لفهم ومواجهة المشاكل الإجتماعية والسياسية بطريقة مرتبطة بحياة الناس اليومية ووجعهم". وستشاركنا كيف اكتشفت أن خارج بيروت مشاكل الناس متشابهة، وكيف تكون الحلول في المناطق ممكنة عبر إعطاء الشباب والسلطة المحلية والمجتمع المحلي فرصة للتعاون.
Elbert Ahmad Giron
Student at AUB
Currently a political studies student at the American University of Beirut. He has been published by Rice University and is currently starting work on a three year study to establish a relationship between the curtailing of extremism and the tendency to conform to social norms when a government implements large-scale surveillance programs in regards to the country and the individual.
Georges Sassine
Georges Sassine is an energy expert, a Lebanese activist and co-founder of the Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative(LOGI). Through his NGO he is building a global network of experts that will help Lebanon build its nascent oil and gas industry away from corruption and benefit all its citizens. He is a Harvard University and American University of Beirut alumni.
Managing Director of The Zovighian Partnership
Through her family-owned social enterprise working with the Middle East’s next-generation of leaders, Lynn recently moved back to Lebanon to build up a team of ambitious Lebanese youth. Together, they are running significant social impact and education projects across the region.
Mounir Camel-Toueg
Mounir Camel-Toueg is a PR practitioner by trade, a wordsmith through passion and communicator by essence; his track record is as diverse as his iTunes playlist...and just as good.
Through his extensive experience in the communication world, in various roles and responsibilities, he has seen the evolution of the practice and learned to respect the sentient evolution of communications.
Head of Research and Consulting at Keeward
After graduating from Sciences-Po, Stéphane moved to Montreal then joined USJ in 2000 to spearhead E-Learning. He established the Research Unit in Web Science and the Master in Digital Economy at the Faculty of Economics. Now at Keeward, he is the company’s in-house web evangelist.
Tala Amhaz
Tala Amhaz is a commercial director at a leading publishing house by trade, but a liver by life. She loves her autonomy, learning from her mistakes, seeking happiness, and exploring the world through her open heart and mind. Her purpose is to inspire, lead, and live the change she wants to see in the world. As well, most importantly, she rides a motor bike and wishes Elephants could learn how to jump.
Tarik Shehayeb
Musician, Founder of Rojo Del Libano
Tarik Shehayeb is a 28 year old music composer, lead guitarist, and founder of the Flamenco- Arab Rojo Del Libano band. Guitar being his childhood passion, he travelled to Sevilla, Spain in 2007 to study the Andalusian Flamenco music.
In 2011, Tarik created the Rojo Del Libano with the hopeful aim to revive the Arabic Andalusian music heritage. Rojo Del Libano mixes the Arabic language with pure Flamenco and Gypsy music and are often performing throughout Beirut.