This will be a stream of one day of the TED Conference without any live/local speakers. Because TED happens on the west coast, we will time-delay the stream and show it Wed. March 18.
Tentative schedule:
Session 2: What Are We Thinking?
Hosted by Chris Anderson
Laura Schulz, Cognitive scientist
Jason Padgett, Geometric artist
David Eagleman, Neuroscientist
Daniel Kish, Perceptual navigation specialist
Donald Hoffman, Cognitive scientist
15 min break
Session 3: Machines That Learn
Hosted by Chris Anderson
Fei-Fei Li, Computer scientist
Rajiv Maheswaran, Researcher
Chris Urmson, Robotocist
Jim Simons, Philanthropist, mathematician
Nick Bostrom, Philosopher
30 min lunch break
Session 4: Out of This World
Hosted by June Cohen
Alan Eustace, Stratospheric explorer
Fred Jansen, Space explorer
Sara Seager, Exoplanet expert
Nathalie Cabrol, Planetary explorer
Stephen Petranek, Technology forecaster
15 min break
Session 5: Life Stories
Hosted by Chris Anderson
Anand Giridharadas, Author
Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley, Entrepreneur and philanthropist
Martine Rothblatt, Transhumanist
Joey Alexander, Jazz pianist
Dave Isay, Story collector