De Stilte
De Stilte (the Silence) is a professional dancing crew which is specialized in productions for children. Jack Timmermans is the artistic leader of de Stilte.
Writer and speech coach
Writer and speech coach Alexandra Smith (1975) grew up in the ghetto of Amsterdam. Over the last decade she helped many best selling authors, speakers and entrepreneurs with their stories. She has a wide range of expertise in communication, media and theatre.
Improvisation Guitarist
Bram Stadhouders (1987, Netherlands) has continued to refine and deepen his musical signature over the years. He is being considered as one of the leading young improvisers and composers in Europe. Stadhouders' music is navigating on the edges between ambient jazz, artrock, free improvisation, worldly sounds and contemporary composed music. With a special focus on merging classical musicians with improvisers, he has worked with some of the leading names in both fields. His passion for vocals, both improvised and composed, have led him to work with singers like Sidsel Endresen (ECM), Mongolian singer Urna Chahar-Tugchi and the Netherlands Chamber Choir. But also leading instrumentalists like Terje Isungset, Arve Henriksen, Wolfert Brederode, Marcin Wasilewski, Arild Andersen, the Bulgarian Choir Angelite have crossed his journey into new sonic explorations.
Publisher and illustrator
Esther is Bredase eigenaar van Droomvallei Uitgeverij. Ze schrijft en illustreert creatieve en positieve kinderboeken. Deze boeken zijn fantasievol en vol kleur. Graag maakt ze met haar bedrijf De Droomvallei de wereld een beetje vrolijker en kleurrijker.
Daarover gaat ze vertellen in haar TEDx Talk, hoe zij vanuit haar werk als kinderboekenauteur en illustrator iets kan betekenen voor kinderen in een oorlogssituatie.
Singer songwriter on piano
Frédérique van den Boomen (1990) is a singer songwriter on piano.
She grew up in a musical family in a small village and she has performed since she was 13 years old at different places as: business events, weddings, theaters, restaurants, funerals and many more. She fell in love with the audience. Currently she is a graduating student Leisure Management at the NHTV in Breda, and she hopes to finish her soon, to pursue her musical career as a singer songwriter.
Urban Farmer
Hans lives in Breda with his wife and two almost adult children.
Social Psychologist & Serial Entrepreneur
Jerre Maas, MSc (1986) is a social psychologist and serial entrepreneur. He believes in one thing; sharing is the key to ensure your ideas become reality. In his ultra-short TED-talk he will show us why adults stop sharing and why this is the biggest idea-killer.
Public speaker, blogger, organizational advisor
Kevin is a public speaker, blogger and advisor to companies and organizations on how to translate ideas from thoughts to actionable experiments. He thinks challenging assumptions, testing, and learning is the way to go.
Machteld Cossee
Friend, mom, daughter, sister and vitality coach
Machteld Cossee is 38 years old, lives in Haarlem, and is a friend, mum, daughter, sister, vitality coach, honest, loyal, social, sportive and a go-getter. Her motto: nothing is what it seems.
Manuela Kalsky
Professor of Theology and Society
Manuela Kalsky was born and bred in Germany and started her studies in theology at Marburg University. At the age of 23 she went to Amsterdam to continue her studies at the University of Amsterdam for one year. But things went slightly different. Nowadays she has a Dutch passport and is a professor of Theology and Society at VU University in Amsterdam, and the director of the theological research centre of the Dutch Dominicans ( In this capacity she co-founded the successful multimedia website, a project to build bridges between people of different religious and cultural backgrounds. As a German in the Netherlands, she knows how it feels to be ‘the other’. She is committed to a ‘new we’ which sees differences between people not just as a burden but also as enrichment. After all, she is able to look at the Netherlands with German eyes and at Germany with Dutch eyes.
He plays with your perception, sparks the mind and shows you what cannot be done. Is it because of distractions or illusions? Whatever it is, it's a magical feeling, not to be seen by the eye, not to be held by hands, but as present as can be.
Marcs favorite TED Talk is that of Apollo Robbins.
Animation maker and teacher
Raimke is een Bredase animatie filmmaker en animatie docent op een Grafisch Lyceum. Graag neemt ze haar publiek en studenten mee naar die geanimeerde wereld waarin alles mogelijk is. Haar korte animatiefilm ‘De kleine Kraai met blote billen’ heeft op filmfestivals over de hele wereld gedraaid en heeft diverse (inter)nationale prijzen gewonnen. Daarnaast kreeg Raimke in 2013 de titel ‘Jong MKBer van Nederland’.
Toch ziet Raimke zichzelf als expert op een heel ander gebied: onhandig zijn. “Onhandigheid zijn brengt mij in de meest ongemakkelijke en gekke situaties. Maar in plaats van me daarvoor schamen, heb ik mijn eigen onhandigheid volledig omarmd.”
Besides riding a surfboards, he helps other people with his skills as a designer but also develops new ideas. Those vary from giving workshops, giving advice on how and which apps to use, to working with other people to connect the online world to the offline life.
Surfing and living Aloha is how he lives his life. Allowing himself to play in the water made him a more balanced person then most people around him. His slogan: even a bad day on the beach is better than a good day at the office ;-)
In(ter)dependent Entrepreneur
As an in[ter]dependent entrepreneur I strive to strengthen brand identities by creating tangible artifacts that trigger relevant associations and inspire meaningful engagement, based on gamification- and co- creation principles. In short, I design for organizational evolution. The common denominator within my projects is the significance of the fourth dimension: time. I always try to leave room for adaptation, so that a design can grow or change over time. I combine this effort with helping others in discovering their own creative capacity, through workshops where design thinking meets rapid prototyping.
Writer & Musician
Simone Awhina is a singer and sound healer from The Netherlands.
Highschool Teacher
35 jaar. Docent maatschappijwetenschappen, filosofie en dans. Leraar van het jaar 2012. Geboren en getogen in Bergen op Zoom, een kind van Turkse ouders, getrouwd met een Vietnamese vrouw, groot fan van Oost Europese muziek, dol op de Indische keuken en leeft volgens een Bourgondische levensstijl.
Al heel mijn leven bewandel ik een pad dat afwijkt van de gulden middenweg. Niet bewust, maar omdat mijn natuur dat wil. Ik zoek de tegenwind op, pas dan gaat m'n vlieger op. Ik heb een drang naar ontwikkeling, niet alleen op micro niveau maar vooral van anderen. Anderen inspireren, het verbreden van de horizon en "tools" geven zodat anderen het beste uit zichzelf halen. Ik ben een altruïst.
The Iceman
By the time Wim reached his teenage years, he was already running barefoot through the snow, comfortably.. It was the beginning of a large series of confrontations with the cold, where every single time, limits were tested, stunning the outside world. Wim Hof (born 1959) is able to perform exceptionally, almost unnatural, on what he is focused on. Due to our lifestyle today we are far removed from our natural bodily condition. We breathe much more shallow which means that our body is not optimally supplied with oxygen.. According to Wim, it’s not complicated at all: "What I am capable of, everybody can learn".
He accomplished 21 Guinness World Records with the most exceptional and unique performances.
Scientists around the world baffled by this exceptional performance. In the Netherlands, Prof. Maria Hopman of the UMC St Radboud Nijmegen examined Wim’s physiology as he was affected by the cold, while he was up to his neck in a cylinder filled with ice cubes.