x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Impact

This event occurred on
February 5, 2015
9:00am - 5:00pm CST
(UTC -6hrs)
San Jose, San José
Costa Rica

For the second year UWC Costa Rica will be hosting its very own TEDx event featured by students and staff from UWCCR as well as various intellectual luminaries from across the globe, the event will take place on February 5th in San Jose, Costa Rica

Universidad Veritas
Universidad Veritas, San Jose, Costa Rica
San Jose, San José, San José 10105
Costa Rica
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­U­W­C­C­R events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Aisha Fukushima

Aisha Fukushima is a self-proclaimed 'RAPtivist' (rap activist) hailing from Seattle and Japan. Having traveled the world as a Watson Fellow, she launched an international 'RAPtivism' project in 2012 that works to expand the intersections between hip hop and social justice. Having first hand experience working with youth everyday, her talk will explore the power of the cipher in hip hop and its applicability to pedagogy.

Alejandro Vallejo

Alejandro es costarricense, es Arquitecto de la Universidad VERITAS. Ganador de varios premios y reconocimientos a nivel internacional como la Bienal CFIA (Colegio de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Costa Rica), en el Concurso Escenarios Flexibles, Ecuador 2013, en el Taller Social Latinoamericano Quito 2011 y la Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura Y Urbanismo en Medellín, Colombia 2010. Ha trabajado en prestigiosas firmas de arquitectura y diseño urbano en Costa Rica y en el 2010 funda junto con otros colaboradores Entre Nos Atelier. Fundador de Construyendo Taller.

Cynthia Nyongesa

Cynthia Nyongesa is a UWC Costa Rica student from Nairobi, Kenya.

Derian Cespedes

Derian Vega is an 18 year old Costa Rican native from Guapiles. He is currently a first year student at UWC Costa Rica. He enjoys asking questions, being friendly, and dancing.

Diego Delfino

Diego Delfino is an editor, novelist, radio director, alternative publisher and content creator, is among Costa Rica's most renowned journalists, and his website, 89decibeles.com, is the most visited independent media in the country.

Ellie Koepplinger

Ellie Koepellinger is a proud Scottish from Glasgow.

Georgia Bulis-Gray

Georgia Bulis-Gray hails from Chichester, England. Georgia is a first-year UWC Costa Rica student

Isabelle Sherlock

Isabelle Sherlock is an 18 year old second year student at UWCCR from Cork, Ireland. She is gluten free and enjoys pottery.

Jason Wee

Jason Wee is an 18 year old first year student at UWCCR from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia .

Mahmoud Ahmed

Mahmoud Ahmed is an 18 year old, male, Sudanese, Afro-Arab Muslim

Mariana Quesada

La costarricense Mariana Quesada de 19 años, es estudiante actual de Ingeniería Industrial de la ULACIT. Mariana descubrió su pasión por la ciencia al ganar una feria científca en su Colegio lo cual la llevó a representar a Costa Rica en la Feria Internacional de la Ciencia y la Ingeniería de INTEL en el 2013. Esto catalizó su interés debido a la escasa representación de las mujeres en el mundo de la ciencias. Mariana también participó en la película "The Big Dream Movement" que realizó Microsoft en conjunto con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Michael Smith

Mike es costarricense. Arquitecto egresado con honores de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad VERITAS. En el 2008 obtuvo la Maestría de Diseño Ambiental Sostenible en la Architectural Association en Londres, Inglaterra. Ganador de varios premios y reconocimientos a nivel internacional, como el Archiprix International en 2007. Ha trabajado en prestigiosas oficinas de arquitectura y diseño urbano en Costa Rica. En el 2010 es socio y co-fundador de Entre Nos Atelier. En 2011 se incorpora como socio y arquitecto a la firma SHINE Architecture, enfocada en la experimentación y desarrollo de propuestas de diseño alternativo y sostenibles. Es profesor e investigador en el ITESM, Universidad VERITAS, y en la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Molly Brown

Molly Brown is an 18 year old from Port Townsend, Washington, and is currently a second year student at UWC Costa Rica. She enjoys hiking, singing, and theater.

Mona Eltahawy

Mona Eltahawy is a Egyptian-American freelance journalist and commentator. She has written for the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and the Washington post, and was named the Muslim Leader of Tomorrow by the American Society for Muslim Advancement in 2005.

Robert Trivers

Robert Trivers has spent his career studying social theory in all organisms. His theories regarding parental investment, reciprocal altruism, the sex ratio at birth and parent-offspring conflict have been very influential in a number of fields.

Sam Cook

Sam Cook is a National Poetry Slam champion hailing from Minnesota. Other than founding and coaching University of Minnesota's slam team to College Nationals twice in a row, he reaches out to youth in Minnesota through poetry and performance.

Stephen Alvarez

Stephen Alvarez is an award-winning National Geographic photographer from Sewanee, Tennessee, USA. His expertise in underground landscapes has brought him to discover a dangerous hydrogen sulphide cave in Mexico, the world's deepest cave in Krubera and a 500-year-old Inca mummy in the Peruvian Andes.

Stephen Ladek

Stephen Ladek is an international development and humanitarian aid expert, social entrepreneur and performance specialist. His spends much of his time working with Aidpreneur.com, an online community focused on improving the delivery of assistance to those in need, where he hosts the Terms of Reference Podcast and International Solutions Group.

Organizing team

Ana Maria
Alvarez Monge

Berlin, Germany


  • Carlos Arriaga
    Outreach and Development Co-Leader
  • Gavin Powell
    Outreach and Development Co-Leader
  • Max von Hippel
    Social Media and Marketing Leader
  • Vilde Myrvang Elgaaen
    Logistics Leader