TEDxIdahoFalls: Widening Circles promises to be thought-provoking event for our community. In the spirit of TED’s mantra of “Ideas Worth Spreading,” we’ve put together TEDxIdahoFalls for our community to share a TED-like experience. This is a locally organized event where live speakers and TEDtalk videos combine to spark deep discussion and connection.
This year our attendance restriction has been lifted, so we’re expecting our audience to be bigger than ever. The main event is our 4-hour conference where 12 speakers will share insightful ideas on a variety of topics. The only common thread will be that they invite the mind to expand to wider circles and connect our community in brilliant ways.
In addition to the main event, this year we’ve added options for a limited number of participants to take part in what we’re calling “TEDucation Tours.” These immersive experiences promise to give attendees opportunities to see outside their normal everyday interactions into the worlds of art, industry, and technology. (If tickets to these experiences are not available, it’s because capacity has been filled).
Also, in keeping with our desire to catapult the ideas shared in this event into our community and connect people of varying backgrounds and disciplines, we’re also organizing a post-event dine-around, where attendees will be coordinated into groups of 8 at reserved tables in restaurants in our area (dinner is self-hosted). Our hope is to introduce new friends and allow the opportunity to converse on the heels of an inspiring evening – to widen circles.
271 West Broadway Street
Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83402
United States
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.