Expressions are acts or instances of representing and transforming ideas, thoughts and feelings into something that defines you as a person. Expressions can be communicated uniquely from one person to another, just like a fingerprint, we all have one, but that one is never the same. The way you articulate is the way that identifi es who you are. Internal state of peace and transparency with oneself. Intensity, on the other hand is about the depth of one’s passion, and how one expresses this great passion from within.
Five talks were screened; they tackled topics like body language, spoken languages, and introversion vs. extroversion. They were followed by discussions where attendees shared their opinions and elements in the talks that they could personally relate to. The event hosted Yara Ayyash who presented a talk titled ‘The double-edged screen’. The talk was concerning society and media, and how both affect our understanding of religion and culture.