TEDxVillanovaU will feature live speakers from the Villanova University community sharing ideas based on the theme “Create, Innovate, Inspire,” an appropriate theme for a conference devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” The conference will include the most creative, innovative and inspired minds of Villanova to portray this year’s theme. Villanova’s vision is to showcase the most fascinating thinkers and doers from Villanova for a stimulating day of presentations, discussions, entertainment and art that will spark new ideas, innovations and opportunities across all disciplines. And true to the format of the TED conference, TEDxVillanovaU presenters will “Create, Innovate, Inspire” in 18 minutes or less.
Driscoll Hall
800 E Lancaster Avenue
Villanova University, Driscoll Hall
Villanova, Pennsylvania, 19085
United States
800 E Lancaster Avenue
Villanova University, Driscoll Hall
Villanova, Pennsylvania, 19085
United States
- Event type:
- University (What is this?)