Aerial flips seem like a counterintuitive skill for Siawn Ou, whose professional and personal life is based on managing and diminishing risk. Through twists and turns, Ou demonstrates how high risk can also lead to great reward and in the end, may be the best investment.
Aerial flips seem like a counterintuitive skill for Siawn Ou, whose professional and personal life is based on managing and diminishing risk. Through twists and turns, Ou demonstrates how high risk can also lead to great reward and in the end, may be the best investment.
Siawn Ou works on the Fund Services Custody team in State Street Sacramento and is the founder of the group Move Well on Collaborate.
About TED Institute
Every year, TED works with a group of select companies and foundations to identify internal ideators, inventors, connectors, and creators. Drawing on the same rigorous regimen that has prepared speakers for the TED main stage, TED Institute works closely with each partner, overseeing curation and providing intensive one-on-one talk development to sharpen and fine tune ideas. The culmination is an event produced, recorded, and hosted by TED, generating a growing library of valuable TED Talks that can spur innovation and transform organizations.